Genworth Financial has an interactive map to compare your state or region’s median cost of care to other areas in the country. Go here and click a state or region to view and calculate current and projected long term care costs. You actually can view the cost of care for services across the aging continuum – adult day, home care, assisted living, nursing homes. And did you know that 40 percent of people currently receiving long term care services are ages 18 to 64?
My platform has been simple. Start preparing for your older years sooner than later so that you avoid a crisis. Review the costs of long-term care in your area or in the area where a loved one who might need it lives. Then consider a long-term care insurance policy that meets your needs. I am not a spokesperson for the insurance industry but I do know that the public is uneducated in terms of how care is paid for and at the end of the day we as individuals will have to shoulder the burden of the cost of care.