Using Internet-based communication tools from SKYPE or MSN, researchers in Taiwan helped 34 residents at 10 nursing homes communicate with family members via videoconferencing. All 18 women and 16 men reported that the experience enriched their lives. Each resident used the videoconferencing differently, with 12% of family äóìvisitsäó taking place daily, 47% weekly, 23% monthly and 18% occasionally. The average chat lasted 12 minutes. After a three-month study period, residents answered questions about their experiences.
Participating residents said the experience helped them to feel they were a part of family life. Some residents spoke with sons or daughters who live in other countries. The report, as well as resident reactions to the videoconferencing program, appears in the Journal of Clinical Nursing.
It makes sense and I have seen some companies popping up that help facilitate this. However some of it is predicated on facilities having the technology and the resident being able to navigate it or at least have some assistance to do so. Perhaps families need to take the lead here. No one else will.
Source: McKnight’s