Smoking Cessation Programs Covered by Medicare

People with Medicare who are diagnosed with a smoking-related disease, including heart disease, cerebrovascular disease (stroke), multiple cancers, lung disease, weak bones, blood clots, and cataracts can get coverage for smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling. These diseases account for the bulk of Medicare spending today. People with Medicare who take any of the many medications whose effectiveness is complicated by tobacco use including – insulin and some medicines for high blood pressure, blood clots, and depression are also eligible for the counseling.

People with Medicare who are diagnosed with a smoking-related illness or are taking medicine that may be affected by tobacco are covered. Medicare will cover up to eight face-to-face visits during a 12-month period. These visits must be ordered by your doctor and provided by a qualified doctor or other Medicare-recognized practitioner.

You pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount after you meet the yearly Part B deductible.

For more information, go here.