Generations United envisions come September “Grandparents Day” (September 9) as a call to action and they want to involve you in their inter-generational activism.
Grandparents and Older Adults:åÊ TheyÛªre asking you to commit to do something grand and share your wisdom, perspectives and key civic values with young people and advocate on their behalf.
Children, Youth, and Younger Adults:åÊ TheyÛªre asking you to commit to do something grand and connect and serve with your grandparents or older adults in your community.
Grandfamilies:åÊYou provide a safe and loving home to your grandchildren or other relatives in your care. As part of the week-long celebration of Grandparents Day, Generations United recognizes, honors, and thanks grandfamilies.
Inter-generational Programs: You are doing something grand every time you bring younger and older people together. They’re asking you to plan and coordinate grand intergenerational activism projects.
Together, adults and youth can reach out to decision makers and begin an important dialogue: discussing how, as a country, we can address the many challenges facing future generationsÛÓfrom literacy to health and wellness to financial stability.
So Do Something Grand.