Moderate Alcohol Consumption Helps You Live Longer Without Dementia – Video

Moderate alcohol consumption helps people live longer without cognitive impairments. This is according to a University of California San Diego School of Medicine-led study in findings published in the August issue of the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. Previous studies have found a correlation between moderate alcohol intake and longevity. “This study is unique...

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Living with Early Onset Dementia – Lessons from My Friend

Living with Early Onset Dementia – Lessons from My Friend I had the pleasure of serving on the board of the Dementia Action Alliance with Robert Bowles. Robert is a retired pharmacist. After being diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia in 2012, he founded United Against Dementia where he has been an active...

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Those Prone to Falls Fail to Adjust Walking Speed – Smilecast 96

Prone to Falls? Watch Your Environment Seniors prone to falling might do so because they fail to adjust their walking speed to their vision impairments. Irish investigators from Trinity College in Dublin divided 17 participants into three groups and made them complete a walking course, once while wearing goggles that...

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Boosting Your Interpersonal Skills as You Age

Boosting Your Interpersonal Skills as You Age Having solid interpersonal skills is vital throughout life, even as you age. As we grow older we are faced with an increasing number of obstacles that hinder effective communication. Communication disorders can affect people of all ages but are, sadly, more prevalent among...

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Aging in Place – Charlotte Today Show – Smilecast 95

Aging in Place – Is it for Everyone? Often as people age their biggest desire is to remain in their homes. But is that realistic for everyone? To age in place requires planning. The goal of aging in place is to help seniors live in the residence of their choice, for...

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