Senior Divorce – Dealing Positively With Divorce in Later Life
If you’re going through a senior divorce, you may be feeling isolated and vulnerable but you are certainly not alone. The divorce rate among over 65 year olds has tripled in recent years, partly due to people living longer, but also through women becoming financially independent and because of changes in attitudes. The decision to divorce later in life is not taken lightly but older couples are now challenging the idea that they should soldier on for the sake of it. While a separation, often after many years together, can be a devastating blow, it’s important to maintain other close relationships so that you have financial stability, emotional support and time to focus on you and getting on with your life.
Deal with Practicalities
Whether your senior divorce was an unexpected shock or a liberating release, the effect it has can be very disruptive. If you can stabilize other aspects of your life – keep in touch with friends, look after your physical health and deal promptly with financial matters – the healing process will be easier. Division of assets, such as the family home or long-term investments is more straightforward if you can stay on amicable terms with your partner. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t rush into any major decisions without first asking for good impartial advice from friends, lawyers or financial advisers.
Keep The Family Together
If you have children, they are most likely adults who have long since left home. Even though they are mature, avoid oversharing details of the separation, acknowledge their feelings and offer them support too. Senior divorce impacts them too, Be careful not to talk ill of your partner however strong your feelings and be respectful of any new partner they might choose. This can be very difficult at first, but there is nothing to be gained from an acrimonious split and, in the long-term, good relationships with all your family will bring you great comfort and support.
Live Your Life To The Full
Once the dust has settled and you have dealt with practical issues, it’s time to move on with your life. Be thankful for all the good memories you made together and grateful for your family and friends that came into your life because of your marriage. Then keep busy, look after yourself, eat well and allow yourself time to rest and recover properly. Staying in touch with friends and family will ensure you don’t become isolated or depressed. Remember that this can also be a time of great liberation when you have the opportunity to try out new hobbies, meet new friends and, who knows, maybe find a companion to share the rest of your life with.
Divorce at any time is difficult but at an older age it is more important than ever to stay positive. You still have more life to live and dealing head on with the repercussions will allow you to make a fresh start sooner and enjoy it fully.