Kinship Caregivers – Programs, Resources & the Grandparent Family Apartments Anya Metlitsky and Gavin Caster are our guests on the Caregiver Smile Summit. The PSS/WFF Grandparent Family Apartments in the Bronx is the first residence built in the U.S. specifically for grandparents raising grandchildren. It serves as the hub for the...
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Caregiver in the Workplace Survival Guide-Caregiver Smile Summit 209
Caregiver in the Workplace Survival Guide-Caregiver Smile Summit Tanya Brown is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Six out of ten people in the workforce are family caregivers. Often they face corporate cultures that do not recognize their burden or contribute to their wellbeing. Yet, corporate attention to caregivers has...
When Caregiving Ends,Find Purpose-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 208
When Caregiving Ends, How to Find Purpose Again– Caregiver Smile Summit Pam Ramsden and Rimas Jasin are our guests on the Caregiver Smile Summit. At some point, your caregiving responsibilities will end. Many caregivers find themselves asking: what’s next for me? Once you are no longer caring for a loved one,...
Caregivers with Hope-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 207
Caregivers with Hope-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast Peter Rosenberger is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. In this session, we tackle the “Three ‘I’s’ every caregiver faces: The loss of Independence The loss of Identity Isolation Our expert should know. He is a thirty-year caregiver for his wife, Gracie, who lives with severe...
Quick Meal Options for You and Mom-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 206
Quick Meal Options for You and Mom-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast Erika Rendon is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Eating well is important for all ages, but especially for older individuals and their caregivers who need to maintain their strength and energy, while often managing chronic diseases like diabetes and high...
Reentering the Workforce After Caregiving – Charlotte Today – Podcast
Reentering the Workforce After Caregiving What happens after caregiving is over? According to a recent report from Harvard called The Caring Company, 32 percent of people leave the workforce for family caregiving responsibilities. Many are in senior management. While there is a lot of talk about leaving the workforce, very...
Reentering the Workforce After Caregiving
Reentering the Workforce After Caregiving What happens after caregiving is over? According to a recent report from Harvard called The Caring Company, 32 percent of people leave the workforce for family caregiving responsibilities. Many are in senior management. While there is a lot of talk about leaving the workforce, very...
American Assoc of Caregiving Youth Caregiver Smile Summit – Smilecast 205
American Association of Caregiving Youth Caregiver Smile Summit Dr. Connie Siskowski is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Dr. Connie Siskowski, RN, PhD is founder of the American Association for Caregiving Youth (AACY), which includes the Caregiving Youth Project of Palm Beach County, the first US program to support the...
How to Go Public with a Life-Changing Condition-Caregiver Smile Summit 204
When and How to Go Public with a Life-Changing Condition-Caregiver Summit John Baumann is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. John Baumann was 41 years young when, in 2002, he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. He was in shock. He was the top lawyer at a publicly-traded corporation. What should he...
Dementia and Communication-Engaging Positively! Caregiver Smile Summit 203
Dementia and Communication – Engaging Positively Enhances Lives! – Caregiver Smile Summit Dr. Dan Nightingale is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. All communication is a form of behavior, thus, all behavior is a form of communication. In this session, Dr Dan Nightingale discusses how engaging positively with people living...