Michigan Assisted Living Association

Hundreds of attendees at the Michigan Assisted Living conference had a great evening on May 15 as I led them through the Meaning of Life.

“Anthony Cirillo was the perfect speaker to kick off Michigan Assisted Living Association’s 50th Anniversary conference Power Up! Innovation, Inspiration and Motivation.  Anthony powered up conference attendees with his high-energy, inspirational and motivational presentation entitled “The Meaning of Life.”  Equally well-received was the breakout session that Anthony presented on “Successful Strategies to Host an Amazing Caregiver Event.”  I hope Anthony will agree to come to Michigan again.” 

Director of Quality Assurance and Education
Michigan Assisted Living Association

<b><a href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10154901402178462&set=ms.c.eJxl0bkNA0AIRNGOLI4Blv4bs~_TAwSd9YgcW3Ly05jLfeer4~_F~%3BCj4QlpMSaKsrkkYZMBpKrmZwWkHqNV93O5DrS4qvlzDOb7P4o4jw5RnnsnssamSNZfuRsXsn9SNyzzi3US3mUMt5ijPcq578ijojXqfglfwEwN306.bps.a.10154901401733462.1073741837.710648461&type=3&theater">See all the photos on my Facebook page. Click on the photo. Psst. - must be FB member!</a></b>

<b><font color=red>Brenda's Letter to AL Associations - click on image!!!</b>