What Causes Age Stereotypes – Three Things

Forever Young on TV Land Does a Good Job at Debunking Myths and Promoting Cross-Generation Learning Princeton University psychology professor Susan Fiske and graduate student Michael North conducted research on the challenge society faces to adjust to a graying population and the intergenerational tensions that can arise. While most are...

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Your Old When You Can’t Peform Everyday Activities According to New Study

Caregivers view elderly consumers as ‰ÛÏold‰Û when they can no longer perform everyday consumption activities on their own regardless of their actual age, according to a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research.åÊ ‰ÛÏConsumption activities such as shopping, preparing meals, doing housework, going to the doctor, taking medications, and...

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Is Aging Healthy Out of Our Control?

Scientists have discovered genetic variations that could explain why some people seem to age faster than others perhaps suggesting that healthy aging may be somewhat out of our control. The researchers analyzed more than 500,000 genetic variations in search of those linked to aging. According to study co-leader Dr. Nilesh...

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I have to admit that this Harris Interactive study surprised me. The long held belief has been that the Asian cultures have far more respect for their elders and caring for them is an expected rite of passage. Seems it is not so. In the 20 countries included in the...

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