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Tag: patient centered care
Distracted Doctoring – One More Things to Worry About
I had not heard of this until the New York Times article late last year ÛÒ distracted doctoring. ThatÛªs scary! All of the technology hospitals now have is great. And while the article does mention that the technology can distract practitioners, it also pointed out that doctors and nurses may...
Are Your Care Providers “in the Moment”?
The following is a guest blog from my colleague Nancy O’Brien. You may first want to view this video that prompted her to speak out.It is time for leaders to embrace a new form of efficiency – human efficiency – especially in healthcare and it starts with the awareness that...
Are Your Care Providers "in the Moment"?
The following is a guest blog from my colleague Nancy O’Brien. You may first want to view this video that prompted her to speak out.It is time for leaders to embrace a new form of efficiency ÛÒ human efficiency ÛÒ especially in healthcare and it starts with the awareness that...
20% of Healthcare Workers Suffer from Low Morale
A recent Career Builder survey reveals that 20% of healthcare workers have low morale; 38% lack motivation; and 25% have no loyalty. Why is that important to providers, consumers, boomers and seniors? Take a look.
Don’t take quality of care and quality of life for granted
Guest video blog in Long-Term Living Magazine – don’t assume quality of care and quality of life.
DonÛªt take quality of care and quality of life for granted
Guest video blog in Long-Term Living Magazine – don’t assume quality of care and quality of life.
Taking Quality of Care and Quality of Life for Granted Can Be Lethal
A recent trip to the American College of Healthcare Administrators conference where person-centered care was conspicuously absent from the agenda and a recent study that revealed that hospital boards may not be paying as much attention to quality as they should has me worried. Because inherent in both is the...
Causes You Adopt Can Come Back to Help You!
If I told an orthopedist he/she should adopt the cause of fall prevention, they might twitch, raise an eyebrow and say I am crazy. Likewise the nursing home administrator who can count many a hip and knee replacement patient as their resident might look at me funny. But the cause...
Can Leaders Succeed without Being Authentic?
What is authentic leadership? Can leaders succeed wearing masks at some point and unveiling them at others. You may have viewed my video blog on the subject. Here is a guest blog just published in Advance in Long Term Care Management.