Perspectives on the Patient Experience Way back in two thousand something, I published an article called The Chief Experience Officer, which became a partial impetus behind the Cleveland Clinic’s initiative to start an office of patient experience and hire the first Chief Experience Officer. I still believe in the concept...
Tag: patient experience
Patient Experience Moments from The Aging Experience
Perspectives on Patient Experience Way back in two thousand something, I published an article called The Chief Experience Officer, which became a partial impetus behind the Cleveland Clinic’s initiative to start an office of patient experience and hire the first Chief Experience Officer. I still believe in the concept but...
Improving the Customer Experience for Older Consumers
How Businesses Can Improve Their Customer Experience for the Elderly Businesses are always working hard to try and make their customers happy; they might offer discounts or special offers to entice sales, or they may do their best to appeal to a certain demographic. However, not all businesses do what they...
Distracted Doctoring – One More Thing to Worry About (VIDEO)
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Distracted Doctoring – One More Things to Worry About
I had not heard of this until the New York Times article late last year ÛÒ distracted doctoring. ThatÛªs scary! All of the technology hospitals now have is great. And while the article does mention that the technology can distract practitioners, it also pointed out that doctors and nurses may...
The Power of Vulnerability
I was blown away with this video because it is the essence of what we are doing in healthcare. Bren̩ Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. She spent...
Cirillo Named Channel Partner – Bringing New Solutions to Address Patient Experience
I typically do not write about my personal career here but this post I believe is important. I have been selected Healthcare Channel Partner for CEO2 . My passion is to improve healthcare. My platform of educated aging is what you read about everyday. This is the other side of...
Consumer Survey – We Need Your Help
The Consumer Consortium for Advancing Person-Centered Living is launching the Person-to-Person Network (P2P), a resource for caregivers, families and elders. We need your help. As you seek information or resources to assist you or a loved one with a particular issue or decision you are facing, it is important that...
Healthcare Doesn’t Hit Home Until It’s Personal
We have had some health issues with mom this year. At 89 we almost lost her but she is a trooper. It occurred to me that despite my 26 years in healthcare, I knew little really about the healthcare experience. So here are two blogs I guest wrote. The first...
Putting Person Centered Care in Perspective
Person Centered Care. Culture Change. A lot of jargon is being spewed in the continuum of aging services. What I have noticed though is that while the talk is good, the underlying tone is somewhat defeatist and negative and that can only spell doom for the industry. While embracing the...