Tag: physical fitness

Feet Fingers and Forks – Your Key to a Fit Lifestyle

I had the opportunity to hear Dr. David Katz at the Nutrition and Aging: A National Summit at which I spoke.åÊ He had a great message about lifestyle and fitness. He has one phrase he uses to keep people in check: Feets, Forks and Fingers. Of course the feet part...

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Jack LaLanne – What Can You Say – Incredible Role Model

Jack LaLanne, the fitness guru died January 23 at age 96. Lalanne ate healthy and exercised every day of his life up until the end, his agent said. His advice is timeless: “The only way you can hurt the body is not use it,” “Inactivity is the killer and, remember,...

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Weight Lifting – It’s Not the Amount of Weight but the Amount of Reps

Some weight lifters may already know this. A new study by researchers at McMaster University has shown that lighter weights can provide the same muscle growth as heavier weights and that the key to building muscle mass is achieving muscle fatigue, not necessarily lifting the heaviest weight. Given that Sundays,...

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Older Adults Who Purposefully Lose Weight Live Longer

New research suggests that older adults who purposefully lose weight have a lower mortality rate. Wake Forest University researchers looked at data on 318 elderly adults enrolled in weight-loss-related trials in the 1990s. Half of those individuals actively lost weight through exercise programs, losing an average of 10.5 pounds over...

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I’m Healthy You’re Not! At least that’s what the survey says.

This from Health Day – Despite rising rates of obesity and diabetes, a survey has found that a majority of Americans believe their health is just fine – it’s everyone else who has the problem. More than 50 percent of respondents said that other people’s health “was going in the...

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Let’s Move Should Not be for Just Kids

I applaud Mrs. Obama’s efforts to fight childhood obesity. But we should not lose site of the fact that many of us share the blame for our kid’s poor eating and exercise habits. Yes there is shameful, clever, manipulating marketing out there that sways behavior. But kids first look to...

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