We are debuting the Who Moved My Dentures? Blogtalkradio program. The premise is simple. Most of aging is couched in fear and crisis. It doesnÛªt have to be. We can age with quality and not in crisis. I am looking for guests to help showcase the positive sides of aging....
Tag: positive attitude aging
Older People with Positive Aging Outlook More Likely to Recover from Disability (VIDEO)
[embed_youtube”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/J1u6P9yHDfo”]
Older People with Positive Aging Outlook More Likely to Recover from Disability,
Older people who embrace positive stereotypes about aging are more likely than those who hold negative stereotypes to recover after suffering from disability, a new study by the Yale School of Public Health has found.Lead researcher Becca R. Levy and Yale colleagues showed that, of two groups with differing views...