Treatments that Reduce Knee Buckling May Help Prevent Falls in Older Adults (Video)
Tag: preventing falls in the elderly
Treatments that Reduce Knee Buckling May Help Prevent Falls in Older Adults
Treatments that Reduce Knee Buckling May Help Prevent Falls in Older Adults Knee buckling, often described as a knee ÛÏgiving way,Û is a symptom of knee instability that frequently affects older individuals, in particular those with knee pain and knee osteoarthritis (OA), and may be caused by muscle weakness and...
10 Myths About Falls from NCOA
The National Council on Aging (NCOA) has published myths related to falling. According to the NCOA, many people think falls are a normal part of aging. The truth is, they’re not. Most falls can be preventedäóîand you have the power to reduce your risk.æ Exercising, managing your medications, having your...