Tag: resident experience

Consumer Survey – We Need Your Help

The Consumer Consortium for Advancing Person-Centered Living is launching the Person-to-Person Network (P2P), a resource for caregivers, families and elders. We need your help. As you seek information or resources to assist you or a loved one with a particular issue or decision you are facing, it is important that...

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Person Centered Care Program Gets People Back to Home from Nursing Home

As much as they’d like to think it’s possible, elderly residents in long-term care facilities have come to accept that a nursing home might be the last place they will call home. But a new pilot project, called Project Home, helped 60% of project’s participants transition from long-term care facilities...

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Intergenerational Programs in Nursing Homes Good for the Young and Old

The IsabellaGeriatricCenter in New York city has an innovative program, really a culture of connecting the generations. Their Project N.O.I.S.E.E. (Naturally Occurring Interactions in a Shared Environment Everyday) is an intergenerational program that grew out of a partnership formed between their on-site childcare center and their Therapeutic Recreation Department. Under...

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Resident Experience Part Two

I have contended that not every nursing facility can become a Green House, small homes that cater to residents where the home is primary and nursing facility secondary in the equation. I believe that traditional individual facilities can enhance the experience themselves. The new GablesCareCenter at the Boutwells Landing senior...

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Look for the Resident Experience When Choosing a Long-Term Care Home

I had the opportunity to write an article for Health Leaders entitled The Chief Experience Officer that looked at having someone in a hospital or long term care facility responsible for how the health care experience is delivered, spiritually, physically, clinically. As a marketer, I wrote it simply to support...

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