A 100-meter dash between 94-year-old Emiel Pauwels of Belgium and 95-year-old Ilmari Koppinen of Finland, competing at an athletic meet for veterans in San Sebastian, Spain. Though Pauwels got off to a slower start ÛÓ Belgian media noted that “Emiel Pauwels has never been a strong starter, and at 94,...
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1 in 7 Alzheimer’s Cases Could Be Prevented with Exercise (VIDEO)
[embed_youtube”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZbqU3SNeQxY”]
Redesigning the Human Body
Please include attribution to InsuranceQuotes.org with this graphic.
Aging Policy Briefing and Capitol Hill Day April 22-23, 2013
The National Association of Area Agencies on AgingåÊ (n4a) is hosting an ÛÏAging Policy Briefing and Capitol Hill DayÛ on April 22-23, 2013. This is a great opportunity for family caregiving coalitions to learn what’s happening with aging policy at the federal level and to bring your coalition’s voice to...
Unleash the Power of Age in Your Community Challenge
People across our nation are achieving remarkable things in later life. Many older adults are experts in their fields, have years of valuable experience, and are using that knowledge to improve the lives of others. The ÛÏUnleash the Power of Age in Your Community ChallengeÛ is an opportunity to recognize...
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care Hosting Focus Groups
The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care is hosting two focus groups ÛÒ one for nursing home residents and one for home care consumers ÛÒ to get consumersÛª input and thoughts on issues related to their care and services. The Home Care Consumer Focus Group (formerly called the...
The 10 Biggest Changes That Our Bodies Go Through During Aging
Source: www.luxurymedical.co.uk
How Big Data Can Save Healthcare Infographic
Please include attribution to InsuranceQuotes.org with this graphic. Original source: InsuranceQuotes.org
Botox Effective in Treating Incontinence in Women (VIDEO)
[embed_youtube”420″ height=”315″ src=”http://www.youtube.com/embed/HWTRfFxuEbE”]
Alzheimer’s Infographic
Senior Home Care