The Center for Medicare Advocacy contends that Genesis Healthcare has been lobbying residents against HR 3200, the reform bill dubbed “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act.” If you remember Humana got in some hot water with the Department of Health and Human Services over their stand on reform.
The Center’s leaders say that Genesis vice president Laurence Lane told some of the chain’s residents that the bill would cut nursing home payments by $2 billion, and that such cuts would directly impact care quality and staffing levels. He’s urged seniors in various facilities run by Genesis to write letters and make calls opposing the bill.
Make no mistake. Genesis is a for profit entity. Formation Capital and JER Partners completed the acquisition of Genesis for $69.35 in cash for each share of Genesis common stock.
And all this on the heels of news that for-profit nursing homes provide poorer quality of care than not-for-profit homes.
Who to believe? Hard to say. I know where I’m leaning. But check out a much more complete article here.