My mother has been diagnosed with diabetes and she also started having issues with her blood pressure. My sister and I have been trying lately to get her to read some articles and educate herself about the problems she is having so she can take better care of herself, as well as articles about general health and well-being of older people, but we weren’t very successful in getting her to actively participate in all this. The truth is she’s too stubborn or proud (probably both haha) to admit that she needs help.
I printed out and gave her this article of yours to read and she loved it. I don’t know what it was, but it resonated with her and she took an interest. She now even wants to learn how to reach The Aging Experience page online. My sister and I can’t thank you enough for helping all of us like this. We were really getting desperate.
Kindest regards,
Emily W.
A recent study, Families Caring for an Aging America, called for a national strategy to support caregivers, going as far as to suggest that caregivers need to receive protected class status in this country.
Caregiving is the elephant in the room few are talking about today. We are. The Aging Experience is working on two fronts to address caregiving issues. We work with companies to address the issue of caregiving in the workplace, helping them both from a culture standpoint and a process standpoint, to become more sensitive and responsive to the needs of family caregivers in the workforce.
Six of ten employees are also family caregivers and 25 percent of Millennials are caregivers too. So morale, productivity, retention are big issues impacted by caregiving.
We work directly to support family caregivers through our programs, products and services. Check out the offerings on the right.
And download our white paper, Dementia Friendly as a Strategic Business Imperative for Hospitals & Health Care Providers.