May is Older Americans Month and a great time to talk to your aging loved ones just how important it is to plan for their long term care needs. The celebration of Older Americans Month can provide the opportunity to have the difficult discussion with elderly family members and friends about their plans for their future.
One source you might consider is PACE (Programs of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly). It is rapidly growing as an innovative model of care that provides older Americans with the care services and supports that enables them to live in their own homes and age with dignity.
When the time comes to make these difficult decisions many people are unaware that PACE programs exist as an option that will allow a loved one in need of nursing home care to remain at home.
Visit, an easy-to-understand Web site that provides background on the program. You can view a PACE video that tells the stories of PACE participants and their families, read testimonials and access a PACE Program Finder that helps people find a PACE program in their community.
PACE operates 73 programs in 30 states. At the core of PACE is a team of caregivers that forms a medical home for each participant to ensure all aspects of their medical, social, and therapeutic needs are met. PACE programsÛª documented results in preserving wellness, supporting healthy outcomes, and promoting quality of life help reduce hospital visits and avoid nursing home admissions.
PACE has been using the medical home concept well before it received recognition in the health care reform debate. This has enabled their organization to not only provide quality care at a lower price in the best setting but in doing so it brings person-centered care to the forefront. And putting our loved ones front and center is what it is all about.