104 Year Old Still Drives and Lives Independently

[embed_youtubespan class=”storyDateline”>OATESVILLE, Pa. – May 24, 2010 (WPVI) — [embed_youtube/span> She’s about to turn 104-years-old, yet she lives alone and still drives![embed_youtubep> So what’s her secret? [embed_youtube/p>[embed_youtubep> “A lot of it is mental, a lot of people give in to something and they wait for the graveyard. It’s going to come anyhow whether you wait or not, so why wait for it. Keep on doing what you been doing.”[embed_youtube/p>[embed_youtubep>As I told a group at the Environmental Protection Agency yesterday, one of the eight secrets to life I have learned from hanging around seniors is your positive attitude.[embed_youtube/p>[embed_youtubep>[embed_youtubea href=”http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=7459231″>This video speaks for itself.[embed_youtube/a>[embed_youtubebr />[embed_youtube/p>