The Commonwealth Fund has released a report that details how boomers, particularly ages 50 to 64, will benefit from health reform.
Among the conclusions:
äó¢æææ offering new plans for people with preexisting conditions who cannot get health insurance
äó¢æææ banning lifetime limits on insurance policies
äó¢æææ requiring health plans to insure all who apply, preventing health plans from charging higher pre- miums to sicker people, and limiting how much premiums can rise by age, beginning in 2014
äó¢æææ requiring coverage of preventive care and immuni- zations without cost-sharing
äó¢æææ helping to preserve employer-based coverage for employees retiring between the ages of 55 and 65
äó¢æææ creating a new long-term care insurance program, beginning in 2012
äó¢æææ significantly expanding Medicaid eligibility to cover all adults with incomes below 133 percent of the federal poverty level, beginning in 2014
äó¢æææ creating new state health insurance exchanges with subsidized private insurance for people with low and moderate incomes, up to 400 percent of pov- erty, beginning in 2014
Some of the biggest opponents of reform stand to gain the most. More here.