The government’s Nursing Home Compare website now includes more information about surveyor inspection findings and antipsychotic medication usage.
The site is intended to give consumers and others a detailed look at nursing homes’ operations and performances.
The site is continually being tweaked and that is good news for consumers even though providers sometimes question the validity of the data.
The Nursing Home Compare site includes more quality of care information including:åÊ
- pain levels as reported by residents
- the use of physical restraints
- self-reported falls
- pressure ulcer ratesåÊ
- measures of general well-being.
This site is a good starting point when looking to choose a nursing facility whether for short stays or long. But it should not be the only source. Talk to others in your community. Talk to discharge planners. Consult a geriatric care manager. Word of mouth sometimes is better than the data published. Stories are more impactful and insightful.