The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long Term Care is hosting two focus groups ÛÒ one for nursing home residents and one for home care consumers ÛÒ to get consumersÛª input and thoughts on issues related to their care and services.
The Home Care Consumer Focus Group (formerly called the Consumer Input Council) is ONLY open to individuals who receive long-term services and supports in their home. The Nursing Home Resident Focus Group is ONLY open to nursing home residents.
By participating in the Home Care Consumer Focus Group or the Nursing Home Resident Focus Group, participants will have a chance to share what they think about ideas for changes in care and services. They will also be able to tell Consumer Voice staff about experiences with their care. The feedback received will then be used to guide the organization in their policy work. ParticipantsÛª names will not be shared outside the group, and nothing said will affect the services they are receiving.
The Home Care Consumer Focus GroupÛªs call will take place by telephone on a toll-free conference line on Monday, April 1st, 2013 from 2:00-3:30pm ET. Click here to register for the call.
The Nursing Home Resident Focus GroupÛªs call will take place by telephone on a toll-free conference line on Monday, April 8th, 2013 from 2:00-3:30pm ET. Click here to register for the call.
Participants in each call will be joined by other focus group members and Consumer Voice staff and will receive ahead of time.
If you know someone who would be interested in joining either focus group, please pass this info along! If they have any questions, they can contact Sara Cirba at or at 202-332-2275 x 221.