I am working with students from Northeastern University to create a virtual senior entertainment / education network that would stream live as well as have pre-recorded programming. It is intended for senior communities as well as home-bound adults.
Frankly, I had the bandwidth to try this five years ago but it fell to deaf ears as many communities were still in the VHS era of technology. Now mentioning this on social media is stirring a lot of interest.
Can you help my students? We have lots of questions.
- How much are companies willing to pay for this service?
- Is it a subscription model versus pay as you go?
- What kind of content do you want to see?
- What is the balance between live and recorded?
- What technology should we use?
- What are the best ways to deliver the content?
- What barriers exist to delivering the content?
- Is the industry ready for this?
We are looking to interview executive directors and activity directors about what this should look like. If interested please contact me here