Effective Multitasking Can Be Learned Although “multitasking” is a popular buzzword, research shows that only 2% of the population actually multitasks efficiently. Most of us just shift back and forth between different tasks, a process that requires our brains to refocus time and time again — and reduces overall productivity...
Brain Health
Key to Multitasking Effectively and What It Means to Brain Health
Effective Multitasking Can Be Learned Although “multitasking” is a popular buzzword, research shows that only 2% of the population actually multitasks efficiently. Most of us just shift back and forth between different tasks, a process that requires our brains to refocus time and time again — and reduces overall productivity...
Brain Stimulating Activities < Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment - Video
Mentally Stimulating Activities Reduce the Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Engaging in some brain-stimulating activities was associated with a lower risk of developing MCI in a study of cognitively normal adults 70 and older, according to an article published by JAMA Neurology. Mild cognitive impairment (MC is the intermediate zone between...
Four Spices That Will Improve Digestion—And Heal Your Brain
Four Spices That Will Improve Digestion—And Heal Your Brain It is said that health begins in the gut and, as a result, poor digestion is at the root of most health conditions—including those affecting many aging adults. In fact, experts have confirmed the gut-brain connection, which refers to the fact...
Low Scores on Memory and Thinking Tests May Signal Alzheimer’s Earlier than Thought – Video
Low Scores on Memory and Thinking Tests May Signal Alzheimer’s Earlier than Thought – Video