Moderate Intensity Physical Activity For Older Adults Reduces Mobility Problems – Video
Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity For Older Adults Reduces Mobility Problems
Moderate-Intensity Physical Activity For Older Adults Reduces Mobility Problems Among older adults at risk of disability, participation in a structured moderate-intensity physical activity program, compared with a health education intervention, significantly reduced the risk of major mobility disability (defined in this trial as loss of ability to walk about a...
Older Women Spend 2/3rds of Time Sedentary (VIDEO)
Older Women Spend 2/3rds of Time Sedentary (VIDEO)
Older Women Spend 2/3rds of Time Sedentary
Chicago ÛÒ Among 7,000 older women who wore an accelerometer to measure their movement, about two-thirds of their waking time was spent in sedentary behavior, most of which occurred in periods of less than 30 minutes, according to a study appearing in JAMA. Recent studies suggest sedentary behavior may be...