Marketing in a time of healthcare reform
Have you thought about how your marketing will change in light of healthcare reform? Have you considered how you will need to market to those who will now have access to your system? Patient education will become more important as individuals gain access and options. The patient experience will take on whole new meaning and significance. This month, Anthony Cirillo examines how we need to adapt hospital marketing to these changing times. Please share how your marketing efforts are changing at
Robert J. Loeb
President and CEO
Healthcare Reform
Healthcare Reform May Mean Marketing Reform
By Anthony Cirillo
CEOs may want to consider a few important things when adapting new marketing strategies
to our changing healthcare environment. These areas include focusing more on patient education and less on marketing services, ensuring people stay with your hospital when they are willing to cross over county lines for services where they know hospitals excel, keeping previously uninsured patients with your hospital when they now have options, and how to continue to show your community benefit and protect your non-profit status.
To read more about healthcare reform and marketing, click here.
Please click here to visit Anthony Cirillo’s web site.