Tag: long term care ins

Another Company Limits Its LTC Insurance Sales

Genworth Financial is taking several of its long-term care insurance options off the table. As of July 29, they stopped selling: lifetime coverage policies for people with family histories of Alzheimer’s and other chronic conditions; 10-pay policies, which lets beneficiaries pay 10 bigger payments for a paid-up policy; and 40%...

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Prudential Pulls Out of Individual LTC Insurance – The Story Behind the Story

åÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊ ‰ÛÏEveryone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts‰ÛåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊ Daniel Patrick Moynihan A guest blog from Raymond Lavine/ www.lavineltcinsurance.com / 253.778.6831 or 888.222.1789 / lavineltcins@gmail.com ‰Û¬‰Û¬Prudential Insurance Company announced that they will no longer offer LTC plans to individuals but will continue to offer long-term care...

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Long-Term Care Funding: Here’s Looking to You!

The Commonwealth Foundation conducted a study in Penn. looking at long-term care funding and came to some interesting conclusions. Pennsylvania taxpayers pay $6.6 billion per year to fund long-term Medicaid spending, 40% of the state’s Medicaid spending. It is unsustainable so they are looking at several options. Rebalance Medicaid In...

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