Tag: medication adherence
Half Not Taking Medications Properly
The National Council on Patient Information and Education released a sobering report ÛÏAccelerating Progress in Prescription Medicine Adherence: The Adherence Action Agenda that shows that half of the estimated 187 million Americans who take one or more prescription medicinesÛÓor up to 93.5 million patientsÛÓdo not take these drugs as prescribed....
Prescription Drug Use on the Rise
Nearly 90% of older adults reported taking at least one prescription drug in the past month, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which noted that prescription drug use overall is on the rise. In the last decade, the number of Americans taking one...
Use Proper Dosing Instruments When Taking Medications
Koert van Ittersum, an assistant professor at Georgia Institute of Technology and Brian Wansink of Cornell University published a letter in the Jan. 5 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine citing new research that suggests that you should steer clear of using ordinary spoons when taking or giving liquid...