I was blown away with this video because it is the essence of what we are doing in healthcare. Bren̩ Brown is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent the past ten years studying vulnerability, courage, authenticity, and shame. She spent...
Tag: the patient experience
The Deloitte 2009 Survey of Health Care Consumers
The Deloitte 2009 Survey of Health Care Consumers is worth a read. While they tout consumerism, my take is that it is superficial a best. For example just 15% of people compare hospital data for inpatient care. Those who do seek quality data do so from physicians, web sites, friends...
End of Life Care Less Costly When Physicians Communicate
In a follow up to yesterdayÛªs guest post about end of life care and the engagement of health care providers comes this. The March 9 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine reports that patients with advanced cancer who discuss end-of-life care with their physicians appear to have lower health care...
The Patient and Resident Experience
As a quick update, I wanted to guide you to an article I wrote for Health Leaders recounting my day spent at the Cleveland Clinic meeting with their patient experience team. It might help you understand how health care is evolving and what you should start looking for when evaluating...