Prevent Frailty in Later Life By Starting Healthy Habits Now

Dr. Linda P. Fried, dean and DeLamar professor of public health at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health in New York City and her research team published a study in the Journals of Gerontology Series A that found that three or more bodily systems functioning at abnormal levels was a predictor of which people would be frail in older age. They looked at such factors as anemia, inflammation and fine motor speed. By itself, fine motor speed also predicted frailty, the study found.

If people live long enough, it’s likely they will become increasingly frail. But “it can be delayed,” researchers say.

Much of it is rooted in unhealthy habits picked up in early and middle age — “especially a lack of physical exercise, smoking and poor nutrition.”

Does this sound like a broken record? I continue to emphasize to people in my writing and talks that how we take care of ourselves today will determine how we prosper (or not) in our older age.

2010 – how about you make it about you this year? Not to say we should not be taking care of each other but sometimes all the giving leaves nothing for you. Take care of you and you will be better able to care for others and avoid frailty and worse later in life.