Alzheimer’s Study Needs Volunteers

The Alzheimer‰Ûªs Disease Cooperative Study (ADCS) is sponsoring a study to raise awareness about Alzheimer‰Ûªs disease (AD) and to encourage otherwise healthy adults with early complaints of memory problems to participate in the Alzheimer‰Ûªs Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Grand Opportunity (ADNI GO). [embed_youtubebr />[embed_youtubebr />ADNI GO will build on the Alzheimer‰Ûªs...

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Blacks and Hispanics Highest Risk for Alzheimer’s

[embed_youtubea href=””>This Business Week article[embed_youtube/a> reports on an Alzheimer’s Association study that shows that over 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and blacks and Hispanics are at highest risk of developing the disease. [embed_youtubep>The report, [embed_youtubei>2010 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures[embed_youtube/i> finds that black Americans are about two...

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