The National Council on Aging has published yet another great Top 10 list, this for typical senior scams. Over 90% of all reported elder abuse is committed by an older personÛªs own family members, most often their adult children, followed by grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and others. Be able to...
Archives: February 2012
Class Helps People Help Elders
From the LA Times… Valencia’s College of the Canyons in Ca. has designed a course to train students to help the elderly cope with chronic medical conditions and live more comfortably. The semester-long pilot program is the first of its kind in the country, administrators told the Times. During the...
Statins protect against influenza mortality, study shows
Statins, you know Lipitor, Crestor, etc, continue to show they have new uses. Kind of a wonder drug just like baby aspirin! Researchers have found they appear to reduce the risk of death in patients hospitalized with the flu. In a study of 3,043 men and women hospitalized with the...
Myths About Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Age Wave, a research and consulting company focused on the lives and needs of the age 50+ population, launched a new study sponsored by Vi an operator of ten continuing care communities (CCRCs). This report was developed to better understand how older adults decide to move to a CCRC, and...
Look Out for These Medicare Scams
Beware Medicare Scammers The web site Medical Billing and Coding has published Medicare Scams that you should be on the lookout. The Poser Scam One of the more common ways criminals scam those with Medicare is by posing as Medicare employees, health care practitioners, or insurance representatives, something many may...
MRI Can Detect Cognitive Decline in Parkinson’s Patients
An MRI scan that detects atrophy patterns in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients also can detect cognitive decline in Parkinson’s patients. Thirty patients with Parkinsonäó»s disease and 22 control subjects underwent 3-T magnetic resonance imaging. Compared with control subjects, patients with Parkinsonäó»s disease displayed significantly higher imaging resolution. These findings...