AmericaÛªs Health Rankings-Living Longer but with > Rates of Preventable Chronic Disease
a trend report by United Health Foundation revealed that Americans are now living longer lives, but with increased rates of preventable chronic disease. Minnesota is at the top of the list of healthiest states for older adults. Vermont is ranked second and New Hampshire is third, followed by Massachusetts and Iowa. Mississippi is ranked 50th as the least healthy state for older adults. Oklahoma, Louisiana, West Virginia, and Arkansas complete the bottom 5 states. MinnesotaÛªs strengths include ranking first for all health determinants combined, which includes ranking in the top 5 states for a high rate of annual dental visits, a high percentage of volunteerism, a low percentage of marginal food insecurity, a high percentage of creditable drug coverage, and ready availability of home health care workers. Minnesota also ranks first for all health outcomes combined, including ranking in the top 5 states for a low rate of hospitalization for hip fractures, a high percent- age of seniors who report very good or excellent health, a high prevalence of able-bodied seniors, a low premature death rate, a low prevalence of full-mouth tooth extractions, and few poor mental health days per month. See my full article here.
AmericaÛªs Health Rankings-Living Longer but with > Rates of Preventable Chronic Disease AmericaÛªs Health Rankingså¨ Senior Report,