Many of you know I am the expert in assisted living. What started out as a B2B site is now morphing into a B2B and B2C site. Our new value proposition is simple: Provide information for consumers for choosing care. Provide information for businesses to seize opportunities in an aging marketplace. We have done a good job with the latter; the former is where we are expanding and growing. Here is what we are looking for in terms of 750 word articles. Aging in Place
- Adapting your home for aging in place / safety
- Technology that assists caregiving
- Downsizing / Moving to a Smaller Place
- Hoarding
- The Value of Pets as You Age
- Warning signs that advanced care may be needed
- When an elder refuses help
- Caregiver health
- Caregiver resources
- Caregiver technology
- Share your experience as a caregiver
- Long distance caregiving
- Caregiver respite
- After the caregiving is over
Communicating with Seniors
- Communication skills
- Cultural issues
- Resolving conflicts
- End of life conversation
Choosing Elder Care Services – from adult day to assisted living to hospice, the continuum of care. Planning and Paying for Care
- Long term care insurance, estate planning, reverse mortgages
- Financial assistance
Elder Abuse The Legal Stuff
- Power of Attorney
- Medical POA
- VA Aide and Attendance
- Advance Directives / Living Wills
- Guardianship
Thanks. Shoot me an email and let’s get the discussion started. provides a great platform to build your brand.