Lorrie Klemons is participating in the Caregiver Smile Summit
Lorrie is participating in the Caregiver Smile Summit.
Lorrie is the President of First Hand Success, a company which specifically promotes senior advocacy and empowerment. She is the co-author of READY…SET…ADVOCATE! Your Step by Step Guide to Patient Empowerment available at amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com. She is a professional speaker who is passionate about empowering all healthcare consumers with the ability to be their own patient advocate or an advocate for someone they care about. Lorrie is also the facilitator of a private self-help Facebook Group, I AM MY PARENT’S CAREGIVER and invites you to join it.
Her topic is: Patient Empowerment for the Caregiver
Find out more about the Caregiver Smile Summit – www.caregiversummit.org