Sensibly Deal with Your Parents Possessions-Caregiver Smile Summit 211

caregiver smile summit

How to Sensibly Deal with Your Parents Possessions as We Age-Caregiver Smile Summit

Dorothy the Organizer is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit.

Eliminate the Guilt. Embrace kindness and understanding – and get ready to help your aging parents make decisions about their possessions as they (and you age). DorothyTheOrganizer has been organizing individuals for nearly 25 years and is ready to provide strategies to help YOU prepare emotionally for this process, learn where to begin exactly and how to prioritize those projects. She will also, provide examples of what to say (and what not to say) when working with your parents and supply you with valuable resources in your local community for help. Make your life easy and tune into this entertaining and loving session with America’s Most Innovative Organizer.

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