“Just wanted to let you know that I thought your developing your personal brand seminar was by far the best I attended at Congress. It was fun and engaging and also beneficial.”
Maria Rossi
“Thank you so much for the valuable information. Your presentation was one of the best at ACHE 2010 according to what I heard from a lot of the students. There were talking about the way you started the lecture. You present the information in a unique way, and no one has that at ACHE. You returned back my confidence with very helpful information.”
Thank you again,
Hussain Al Khuwaildi
“Your session “Developing Your Personal Brand” was a very intriguing and informative lecture (didn’t seem like one at all). You are a very enthusiastic, knowledgeable, and engaging presenter. I was very impressed with the information gained from your lecture and will apply it to my career development process. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me prior to your lecture. I do hope we remain in contact, as you have really given me interest in the field of consulting. Thank you.”
Gabriel Oshode
“I absolutely loved the session you presented at ACHE! You have an amazing personality, which is evident through your work.”
Terri Cunningham
And here are more taken from conference evaluation forms:
“This is my third year at Congress and this has been by far the best course. Great mix of interaction and information.”
“This session was very engaging and definitely met my expectations. Kept things interesting and still provided a lot of content.”
“This was fantastic! The session was in tune with the fact that the majority of us are in our 20’s and applied the ideas accordingly.”
“The use of media was creative and appreciated the opportunity to network and interact with my peers.”
“Very good session. Information was extremely relevant.”
“Excellent session. It was interactive and memorable.”
“Must bring back next year. Excellent educational session, excellent speaker and educator.”