Tag: long term care insurance

Buying a Long Term Care Insurance Policy on Your Resolution List? Consider a Partnership Policy

Buying a Long Term Care Insurance Policy on Your Resolution List? Consider a Partnership Policy The Long-Term Care Partnership Program is a Federally-supported, state-operated initiative that allows individuals who purchase a qualified long term care insurance policy or coverage to protect a portion of their assets that they would typically...

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Look for Long Term Care Insurance Premiums to Rise

(From McKnight’s Long-Term Care News and Assisted Living) Leaders of Manulife Financial Corp., the parent company of John Hancock Life Insurance Co., stated they will seek to raise premiums on existing policies by an average of 25%. The announcement came during a third-quarter earnings call. Others are following suit to...

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Long-Term Costs Continue to Rise

Courtesy MetLife MetLife Mature Market Institute‰Ûªs 2012 market survey shows that average national long-term care costs continue to rise. The national average annual charge for a private nursing home room rose to $90,520 this year, while semi-private rooms climbed to $81,030 and assisted living residency jumped to $42,600. Nursing home...

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Long-Term Care Insurance May Be a Dying Breed

A report earlier this fall by Moody‰Ûªs Investors Services – ‰ÛÏLong-Term Care Insurance: Sector Profile‰Û – says that despite the need for long-term care insurance, the product‰Ûªs future is in question because of persistent losses and a challenging operating environment. The benefits under early policies were often too generous relative...

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Another Company Limits Its LTC Insurance Sales

Genworth Financial is taking several of its long-term care insurance options off the table. As of July 29, they stopped selling: lifetime coverage policies for people with family histories of Alzheimer’s and other chronic conditions; 10-pay policies, which lets beneficiaries pay 10 bigger payments for a paid-up policy; and 40%...

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Prudential Pulls Out of Individual LTC Insurance – The Story Behind the Story

åÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊ ‰ÛÏEveryone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts‰ÛåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊåÊ Daniel Patrick Moynihan A guest blog from Raymond Lavine/ www.lavineltcinsurance.com / 253.778.6831 or 888.222.1789 / lavineltcins@gmail.com ‰Û¬‰Û¬Prudential Insurance Company announced that they will no longer offer LTC plans to individuals but will continue to offer long-term care...

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