Lorrie Klemons is participating in the Caregiver Smile Summit Lorrie is participating in the Caregiver Smile Summit. Lorrie is the President of First Hand Success, a company which specifically promotes senior advocacy and empowerment. She is the co-author of READY…SET…ADVOCATE! Your Step by Step Guide to Patient Empowerment available at amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com. She is...
Tag: lorrie klemons
Patient Empowerment for the Caregiver -Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 197
Patient Empowerment for the Caregiver – Caregiver Smile Summit Lorrie Klemons is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Caregivers cannot carry the burden of caregiving completely on their own. They must learn to create boundaries of the activities they are willing and able to perform. Caregivers must become empowered to...