CBS Reports We Have a Way to Go in Financially Preparing for Retirement (Video)
Tag: saving for retirement
CBS Reports We Have a Way to Go in Financially Preparing for Retirement
CBS Reports We Have a Way to Go in Financially Preparing for Retirement In a special report, Eye on America: Retirement, CBS News is exploring the changing nature of retirement and how to prepare for the future. Here are some of the highlights from their first installment. Roughly half of...
Saving for Retirement – Yes Millenial This Means You – Video
Saving for Retirement – Yes Millenial This Means You – Video
Saving for Retirement – Yes Millenial This Means You
I came acrossåÊWilliam J. Bernstein, an investment adviser and author on financial subjects in a New York Times article a few months ago. And it occurred to me that we have a similar platform. I talk about Educated Aging, that we need to plan for our aging sooner in life...
Genworth Publishes LTC Cost Data
Genworth recently updated data about the cost of various services in the aging continuum of care. åÊ Overall, while the cost of care among all care providers has steadily increased,the cost of facility-based providers has grown at a much greater rate than that for home care. åÊ Here is how...
Seeing is Believing When It Comes to Saving for Retirement (VIDEO)
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Seeing is Believing When It Comes to Saving for Retirement
Stanford University scientists have found that younger people have trouble visualizing themselves as elderly, which can limit how much they invest in their retirement plans.åÊ When the researchers showed a group of young people computer-aged photos of themselves, they became more inclined to increase their retirement investment. You can experience...
More Worried About Retirement
Americans today are more worried about their retirement finances than they were at the end of the Great Recession in 2009, according to a nationally representative survey of 2,508 adults conducted by the Pew Research Center.åÊ About four-in-ten adults (38%) say they are ÛÏnot tooÛ or ÛÏnot at allÛ confident...
Retiring on Your Resolution List? Here Are Five Retirement Expenses You Must Know (VIDEO)
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Retiring on Your Resolution List? Here Are Five Retirement Expenses You Must Know
Maybe one of your 2013 resolutions is to retire. Rescue Alert of California contributes this guest blog to help you.Everyone wants to be prepared for retirement when the time comes. Saving when youÛªre younger can help put you on the path to independence once your working days have ended. Learning...