A MetLife Report on the Health Status of the 40+ Population paints a sobering picture. It focuses on three areas. Obesity Obesity carries with it an increased risk for many chronic conditions, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and even loss of sight, among others.åÊ Unhealthy behaviors and...
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Telemedicine Saves Travel and Time for Patients with Parkinson Disease (VIDEO)
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Telemedicine Saves Travel and Time for Patients with Parkinson Disease
Wonder if Michael use telemedicine? A randomized clinical trial of 20 patients with Parkinson disease by E. Ray Dorsey, M.D., M.B.A.., of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore, and colleagues suggests that telemedicine visits could save patients, on average, 100 miles of travel and three hours of time. The 7-month study at...