This article puts in context the “battle” we face in balancing the needs of residents, caregivers, family and staff in moving long-term facilities from institutionalized warehouses to the best possible home they can be for residents. There is a long way to go. Read more here.
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Having a Point of View versus Standing Up for Something You Believe In
I had an engaging conversation with Kellyann Curnayn, author of A Good Day in Hell: The Flatlining of Nurses Across America. She is a dedicated, practicing nurse. She told me that nurses do not get paid to take care of patients. They get paid to fill out paperwork. Kellyann has...
New leadership methods could propel patient-/person-centered care
Read our guest blog in Hospital Impact.
Creating Heroes – The Authentic Path to Person Centered Care
What do a long term care facility and a fire house have in common? A lot actually. Dirty jobs, life and death, dark moments and light yet the firefighters culture thrives with little burnout and low attrition. Why is that? Firefighters create a supportive and celebratory culture that acknowledges the...