Archives: May 2011

Caregivers Have Both Positive and Negative Views of Their Caregiving

One-half of caregivers of individuals with Alzheimeräó»s disease or dementia surveyed for a new caregiver study find an equal balance of positive and negative experiences in their caregiving.Œæ One-third (33 percent) say their caregiving experience is more positive than negative. That from the 2011 report, äóìWhat Made You Think Mom...

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Healthcare Doesn’t Hit Home Until It’s Personal

We have had some health issues with mom this year. At 89 we almost lost her but she is a trooper. It occurred to me that despite my 26 years in healthcare, I knew little really about the healthcare experience. So here are two blogs I guest wrote. The first...

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AARP Under Investigation

The House Ways and Means Committee has launched an investigation of AARP, particularly in the way it uses its lobbying power to advance its business that sells supplemental and Part D coverage to Medicare beneficiaries.ξ A hearing on April 1 was preceded by a report BEHIND THE VEIL: The AARP...

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Retirees Not Realistic in Planning for Possibility of Long-Term Care

Getty Images, Rosemary Calver In a recent survey from the Society of Actuaries respondents were asked about the changing nature of healthcare delivery and the ability to pay for long-term care. Though 93% said that pursuing a healthy lifestyle is their primary risk-management strategy, the report suggests that this is...

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Dentures Could Transmit Harmful Microbes

Hannah Daniel writes for a blog backed by, which offers affordable dental plans nationwide. Those who wear dentures could be putting more than artificial teeth in their mouth every day. Denture-wearers know that you must soak the mouthpiece in either water or a mild solution for at least 8...

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End of Life Wishes Simplified with Patient / Physician Agreement

Courtesy Ohio State University Advance directives, which allow people to plan ahead for end-of-life care, can be too vague taccording to some experts. That is why a growing number of states are promoting a program to help guide physicians with a patient’s specific instructions. Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment, or...

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Tai Chi Combined with Proper Meds Reduces Depression in Elderly

In a study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, reported treating 112 participants with major depression, aged 60 years and older, with the antidepressant Lexapro for four weeks. The 73 who responded to the drug continued to receive it for 10 more weeks and were randomly assigned to...

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Nursing Homes Compare Adds Valuable Consumer Information

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has been making changes to the Nursing Home Compare website and is seeking comments from stakeholders and visitors to the site.ξξ On April 23rd, CMS added information to allow consumers to more directly file complaints about nursing homes with State Survey...

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Avandia Shows > Risk of Heart Attack, Death According to Researchers

@Getty Images The popular diabetes drug Avandia has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack and death, say researchers affiliated with insurer WellPoint. They analyzed the results of 16 studies involving 810,000 Avandia users and found a “modest but statistically significant” increase in the risk of heart attack...

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Caregiver Survey Launched to Measure Smart Phone App Interest

Fast Forward Consulting is launching a national survey to better understand the needs of caregivers as it develops a smart phone application designed to coordinate care, bring caregiver communities together, and most importantly help ease caregiver stress and improve their health. Caregivers can complete the short survey at May...

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