Mandy is participating in the Caregiver Smile Summit
We are pleased to welcome Dr, Mandy Salomon to the Caregiver Smile Summit. Dr. Salomon is co-founder and CEO at MENTIA where they have developed Deva™, the world’s first dementia-friendly digital world. She builds creative digital therapies that support the well-being of people impacted by dementia and those that support them across the care continuum. She is a Ph.D. specialist in media and gerontology and has a rich history in creative production (producer, director, performer, documentary-maker, radio, television and print journalist). Other degrees include a B.A.(Drama & Visual Arts) and an M.A. (Media & Communication). She was an Industry Fellow at Swinburne University of Technology. She serves as an Alliance member, Aging 2.0. and is a member of Creative Aging San Francisco. She is passionate that aging populations have the tools to create, manage and share stories and believes it’s fundamental to the human condition.
Her topic on the caregiver smile summit is: Digital Engagement Therapy – Exploring the 3D Deva World (TM) Environment
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