Aging and Fun: Why You Don’t Have To Give Up Everything You Love When you get old, things you usually do may no longer be the same. For some, getting old means losing a lot of things, especially those you love the most. It may be a hobby or a...
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Being 60 – Reflections on Life – Smilecast 92
Being 60 (reprinted from my Sixty and Me Blog) Reflections on Life: 5 Things I Have Learned by My 60s Yes, the big SIX ZERO hits me on April 29. I remember freaking out at 30 but no so much with the other decades of 40 and 50. I have...
What We Can All Learn About Living in the Present – Smilecast 65
What We Can All Learn About Living in the Present My good friend Sandy Halperin, who has early onset Alzheimer’s was recently honored along with Sanjay Gupta, M.D. with the 2016 Proxmire Award, which recognizes national figures who have “demonstrated leadership and positively impacted public awareness around Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.”...
Remember When – Looking Back on Your Caregiving Journey – Smilecast 30
Remember When I have had some time now to look back and remember when I was a caregiver to mom who passed away June 2, 2016. When the journey ends it can be confusing. And the last days of her life were intense, with hospitalizations, surgeries and hospice. Did I...
Giving Back – Helping Other Caregivers – Smilecast 29
Giving Back When Kathy Caprino interviewed me for Forbes Magazine about caregiving, we spent some talking about giving back. It’s important that when you’re caregiving journey is over and even while you are in the midst of it that you reach out to others in a support community where all...
Remember the Good not the Bad as a Caregiver – Smilecast 28
Remember the Good I admit to watching some reality TV and I even watched the Celebrity Apprentice, particularly when Leeza Gibbons was on. I believe she won money for her Alzheimer’s program. As she was taking care of her mother and as she counseled other caregivers, she always told them...
Being Grateful – It’s an Every Day Thing – Smilecast 27
Being Grateful Every night before I go to sleep, I reflect on three things i am grateful for that day and then i pray. It has become a pretty engrained routine and encourage you to try it. Being grateful keeps us humble. And it helps us remember how good we...
Paying for Care – Smilecast 26
Paying for Care Paying for care. There are a lot of misconceptions. Let’s clear them up in the episode. People mistakenly think Medicare will somehow pay for your long term needs. It does in limited circumstances. Other than that you are on your own. Deplete your money and go on...
One Day at a Time – Smilecast 25 – The Aging Experience
One Day at a Time As a caregiver in order to turn your mindset from caregiving as burdens to caregiving as opportunity, you have to take one day at a time. We all have the same number of hours and when we enter a day with positive intention, we can...
The Rewards of Caregiving – Smilecast 24
The Rewards of Caregiving I have talked often about the rewards of caregiving from the standpoint of it being an opportunity not a burden, etc. But there are also rewards that you can reap by applying for the right benefits to offset the cost of care. I’ll cover some of...