A New Resource for Finding Information about the Quality of Nursing Homes

I recently came across a resource for family and friends faced with having to find a nursing home for a loved one.åÊ The Informed Patient Institute (IPI) is a non-profit organization that has identified and evaluated all of the nursing home report cards in the country.åÊ IPI doesn’t rate individual...

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CMS Updates Nursing Home Compare Site (Again)

The government’s Nursing Home Compare website now includes more information about surveyor inspection findings and antipsychotic medication usage. The site is intended to give consumers and others a detailed look at nursing homes’ operations and performances. The site is continually being tweaked and that is good news for consumers even...

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New CMS Site Aggregates Compare Tools

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services launched the Quality Care Finder designed to help beneficiaries and their caregivers find better health care options.ξ It is really an aggregation of tools they already had in place now put into one place for easy finding. You can Get contact information for...

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Nursing Home Compare Overall Complete

The redesign of the federal Nursing Home Compare website, which lets consumers file complaints more easily and compare facilities based on quality measures, is complete. The overhaul äóî which was conducted by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and mandated by the Affordable Care Act äóî gives consumers more...

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