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Christmas Gift – Good News for Alzheimer Patients and Caregivers
Congress has passed the National Alzheimeräó»s Project Act (N.A.P.A.), which would create the National Alzheimeräó»s Project for the coordination of government efforts in preventing and treating the disease, along with establishing a national strategy for defeating Alzheimer’s. The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America called the lawäó»s passage a äóìvictory both for...
Technology Allows Disabled to Use Nose to Communicate and Maneuver
A technological breakthrough could allow the severely disabled to use their noses to communicate and even maneuver wheelchairs. According to the Weizmann Institute research team, cranial nerves in quadriplegic and other severely disabled individuals are seldom damaged so the brain is still able to send signals to the soft palate...
Many ED Visits from Nursing Homes Preventable
From Mcknights – A large percentage of nursing home residents’ emergency department (ED) visits are avoidable, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Using data collected for the 2004 National Nursing Home Survey, the CDC found that roughly 8% of nursing home patientsÛÓroughly 123,600ÛÓhad an ED visit in...
Tips for Those Concerned About Older Loved One’s Driving
[embed_youtubep style=”margin-top: 0pt;”>Driving demands good judgment, quick reaction times and split-second decision making. A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease alone is not a reason to take away driving privileges. But due to the progressive nature of Alzheimer’s, a person with the disease will eventually be unable to drive.[embed_youtube/p> [embed_youtubep>It’s often difficult...
Study Suggests Assisted Living Affordable Only to Wealthy
David Stevenson, an assistant professor of health policy at Harvard Medical School in Boston has been studying assisted living facilities and has found, not surprisingly that assisted living facilities are most often located in areas with higher levels of income, education and home values. The findings indicate that people with...
Life Inside a Nursing Home
This article is a must read. How do you encourage doctors to go into geriatrics? Have them spend time as a resident in a nursing home. Great perspective. Any one trying to change the experience in long term care would be wise to do the same thing. In fact, it...