Grandparents Raising Grandkids – Frankie Boyer Show – BizTalkRadio

The Hardships and Joys of Grandparents Raising Grandkids There are nearly three million grandparents raising eight million grandchildren in the U.S. In North Carolina, nearly 200,000 children live with nearly 100,000 grandparents. That has a cost in terms of time, money and health.The opioid crisis has taken the brunt of...

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Grandparents Raising Grandkids – Charlotte Today – 01/29/20

The Hardships and Joys of Grandparents Raising Grandkids – Charlotte Today – 01/29/20 There are nearly three million grandparents raising eight million grandchildren in the U.S. In North Carolina, nearly 200,000 children live with nearly 100,000 grandparents. That has a cost in terms of time, money and health.The opioid crisis...

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Grandparents Raising Grandkids – Charlotte Today – 01/29/20

The Hardships and Joys of Grandparents Raising Grandkids – Charlotte Today – 01/29/20 There are nearly three million grandparents raising eight million grandchildren in the U.S. In North Carolina, nearly 200,000 children live with nearly 100,000 grandparents. That has a cost in terms of time, money and health.The opioid crisis...

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New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors – Charlotte Today – 12/27/19

New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors – Charlotte Today – 12/27/19 New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors provides purpose. A recent study showed that having purpose helps you live longer. People without purpose are more than twice as likely to die. It’s more indicative of longevity than gender, race, or education. And...

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New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors – Charlotte Today – 12/27/19

New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors – Charlotte Today – 12/27/19 New Year’s Resolutions for Seniors provides purpose. A recent study showed that having purpose helps you live longer. People without purpose are more than twice as likely to die. It’s more indicative of longevity than gender, race, or education. And...

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Normal Memory Loss or Dementia?-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 225

Normal Memory Loss or Dementia-Know the Difference-Caregiver Smile Summit Rita Anand is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Everyone has moments of forgetfulness. And when we see it in mom or dad, we may often just brush it off at first. In this session, we will provide a dementia primer....

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Using Improv to Improve Communications-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 224

“Start with YES: Using the Techniques of Improvisational Comedy and Empathy to Improve Caregiver Communications” Sonja Shute and Christina DeSantis are our guests on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Communicating with a person with dementia can bring a unique set of challenges. This workshop will demonstrate how PSS Circle of Care uses the...

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Talking With Children About Dementia-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 223

Talking With Your Children About Dementia-Caregiver Smile Summit Kathryn Harrison is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Although kids can feel scared around someone who is acting differently from dementia , with time, patience, explanation and reassurance, the relationship between a child and the person living with dementia can be...

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Leveraging Tech for Aging in Place-Caregiver Smile Summit-Smilecast 222

Leveraging Technology for Aging in Place-Caregiver Smile Summit Lisa Cini is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Lisa Cini is regarded as the leading Alzheimer’s and long-term care design expert in the nation and has been recognized for her contributions in the field. Combined with her personal experience of living...

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Strategies for Family Carers in the Workforce-Caregiver Smile Summit-221

Strategies for Family Caregivers in the Workforce-Caregiver Smile Summit Cathy Bollinger is our guest on the Caregiver Smile Summit. Ageism is a combination of: prejudicial attitudes toward older people, old age, and aging itself; discriminatory practices against older people and institutional practices and policies that perpetuate stereotypes about older people. When...

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