guide for every month
music CDs to accompany the guides
50-70 pages of information including song lyrics
can fill a day, week or month of activities
with little planning -
easily implemented when the activity director is sick or on vacation – anyone can do it
can do in a group or one on one
great weekend activity when coverage is limited
peer reviewed by certified music therapists and activity directors
We have produced 12 CDs, one for each month of the year. Each follows a theme based on observances and occasions, some obvious and others not so, that are celebrated each month. You can follow the theme by reviewing each CD found on the right.
Each CD comes with an activity guide that explores the theme, the occasions celebrated, the songs, their history and the artists that made the songs famous. Each Guide averages 50-60 pages and contains the lyrics to all songs. Suggested activities are included that could literally fill your month with ideas to please your residents.
Read a sample from the February Activity Guide – Be My Valentine.
As we print these on demand, we welcome comments and suggestions so that we can continually improve the Guides.
Praise for the Activity Guides:
I think that you have assembled quite an impressive group of activities for activity directors to use with their residents. I really appreciate all of the “background” information that accompanies each and every song that you have on your CD’s. The activities themselves allow for interaction among the facilitators and fellow residents as well. By using a suggested materials section at the beginning of each month’s guide it makes it easy to plan and possibly elaborate on the structure that your guide offers. Thank you for sharing your work with me. I think you are doing a wonderful job and wish you the best of luck!
Martine Bullard, MT-BC
(Board Certified Music Therapist)
Mayview Convalescent Center, Raleigh, NC
Guides are for one facility use only. Reproduction prohibited. Bulk purchasing discounts available as well as licensing arrangements.